Monday 17 July 2017

Tell me what you want, what you really really want, ZigaZig Ah, Thanks, Spice Girls.


Goal setting should be fun, not a chore. Goals should be all about making your life better, exciting, sparkling and vibrant!

So allow me to ask you some questions.

     * Do you know what you really, really want?

     * Do your goals inspire you?

     * Do they motivate you?

     * Do they excite you?

     * And do you know exactly how you're going to achieve them?

If, like most people, you've answered No to all the questions above, then it's time to rev things up and create some goals and visions to switch your life up a gear!
After all, unless we know exactly where we're aiming, we're likely to end up nowhere.

You don't leave your house without knowing your destination. If you haven't been there before then you'll have a map (or a Google map) of the route, and if you have been there before then you'll already know the way.

So why, when your life is so precious and you only get the chance to take this journey once, would you travel through it without knowing exactly where you want to get to?

One of the keys to setting goals which really are what you want is to think about why you want it. It's not enough just to say, "I want....". This would probably lead to a vague goal which might even be one you've chosen because you feel that's what you 'should' want, rather than what you really desire deep down.

Let's look at an example.

Let's say you set a goal to be promoted to department manager by December this year.

Now ask yourself why you want this? Is it the extra money? The extra responsibility? Is it to enhance your confidence or your self-esteem? Is it because the work will be more interesting than what you're doing now? Is it because it's a step up towards your ultimate goal of becoming a partner in the company?

Is it easy to answer these question?

Once you've come up with these answers, ask yourself the same question again! WHY do you want this result?

I want the extra money so I can go on a fabulous holiday
I want the extra responsibility so I can feel that I'm fulfilling my potential
I need to build my confidence or self-esteem as at the moment I don't feel very worthwhile and I'm sure I must be capable of more
I want more interesting work because my current job is really boring and I feel I'm wasting my life
I want to be a partner in the company as I've always dreamed of being in charge of a company.

Is it easy to answer the question this time?

Now I want you to ask the same question for a THIRD time!

Why do you want to go on a fabulous holiday?
Why do you want to feel that you're fulfilling your potential?
Why don't you feel very worthwhile at the moment?
Why do you find your job boring?
Why do you want to be in charge of a company?

Keep on repeating this process, asking yourself WHY you want these things. Eventually, you'll come to an answer which will suddenly resonate with you, revealing what your true desire is.

And that's the key!

You might surprise yourself with the conclusions that you come to. For example, you might discover that what you actually want is to set up your own business; to go travelling around the world; to move to a new city; to make some new friends; to do a totally different career. Or you might even discover that you're currently doing what you think you should because that's what society has told you should do, or your parents wanted for you, or what all your friends are doing, but in fact it's not at all what you want and you want something different. And if that's the case, then your new goals are going to be particularly exciting for you, plus a bit scary too!

Now you know what you really want, you can set a goal which inspires and motivates you and makes your heart pound with excitement! And this is EXACTLY the type of goal which gets achieved!

So sit down and ask yourself, 'Why? Why? Why?', find out your real desires, and then go out and do something fabulous!

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