Wednesday 20 March 2019

Are You Empathic?

Watch this video from Dr Brene Brown to find out exactly what empathy is, and why it's so important to successful human relationships. It's a fun watch, too!

 Are You Empathic?

Monday 11 March 2019

The Relaxation Mineral

The Relaxation Mineral

There are many vitamins and minerals that you hear discussed in the news, but there’s one mineral that provides help with relaxation that is often underrated.  Magnesium is a mineral that is a powerful ally in helping you to relax and get a better night’s sleep.

Click here to order your magnesium today!

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a mineral that’s found all over your body.  It’s naturally occurring in many foods such as almonds, spinach, cashews, black beans, and peanut butter.  But you can also find it in supplement form.

It has an important role in the body and actually is a catalyst for over 300 reactions in your tissues.  But its most prominent role is in your muscles, bones, and brain.  Your cells need magnesium in order to make energy, help cell membranes stay stable, and to help your muscles relax.

Am I Magnesium Deficient?

Magnesium is a critical mineral, but many people are walking around with deficiencies and don’t even know it.  If you have symptoms or conditions such as muscle cramps, twitches, insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, autism, migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and diabetes you might be deficient in magnesium.  And the list can go on and on.

With the current Western diet, a good portion of the population is magnesium deficient.  This can lead to chronic inflammation in the body and illness.  When you eat highly processed foods, you typically lack this mineral.

Food such as coffee, sodas, sugar, salt, and alcohol also cause your body to lose magnesium.  High stress levels can also lead to magnesium deficiency.  And some medications can also contribute to this problem.

Adding Magnesium

The good news about magnesium deficiency is that you can easily correct it.  First, you’ll want to avoid things that can cause your body to be drained of magnesium.  Then you’ll want to increase your intake of this important mineral.

Eat foods high in magnesium such as nuts, beans, brown rice, avocado, garlic, figs, and dates.  Food is the best way to gain this mineral.  You can also take a magnesium supplement that will help you to get what your diet doesn’t provide.  If you have kidney or heart disease, you should talk with your doctor before adding magnesium supplements. 

By restoring your magnesium supply you can help your body to get better sleep and relaxation, but you can also improve many different health conditions related to inflammation and magnesium deficiency. This is a simple, inexpensive way to enjoy better health.

Click here to order your magnesium today!