Friday 16 June 2017

How to Make Affirmations More Effective

When you SUCCESSFULLY replace negative self-talk with POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS, your life shifts.

The challenge is to actually make it happen.

Many negative beliefs you have about yourself get established in childhood.

They become deeply embedded in your psyche, emotions, and even in your physical body.
They become tightly woven into your overall belief system and emotional fabric.
They affect how you see and feel about yourself, the world, and your relationships with others.
They hold you back from experiencing love, joy, and bliss.
They directly affect your ability to be successful in all areas of life.

Positive statements that contradict your current beliefs do not easily replace negative self-talk that has been with you for a lifetime or more.

Some negative statements may be easily replace by positive ones, but more often than not, you may find yourself struggling to transform the old self-talk into consistently optimistic, creative, positive thinking and talking patterns.

What to do?

Are you going to be stuck forever in negativity?


You CAN make the changes you desire.
You CAN make these changes permanent.


Start by identifying your negative thoughts and the feelings that surround them.
Make a list of whatever comes to mind. You probably already know what many of them are because they zip through your mind. All you need do is start paying attention.
Make 2 columns on each page of a notebook or journal and write the list of negative thoughts in the left-hand column.
Leave enough space between them so that you have room in the right-hand column to write a positive message to replace each negative one.
The next step may require some assistance, but you can probably get started on your own.
Start writing positive statements in the right hand column for each negative message.
Try different wording until the new statement feels very positive, even if it's a bit uncomfortable to imagine yourself actually believing it. You have to get a little ways into your discomfort zone to know that the message is truly positive enough.


Now comes the challenge of removing the negative belief or message and replacing it with the positive one.

One way to approach this is to work with a professional, such as myself.

Using special energetic techniques, the negative message and the emotional debris that holds it in place can be energetically removed from your body.

Then, using related techniques, a positive message can be embedded as a replacement.

By using these techniques, your subconscious will be more likely to accept the new positive messages as "true" instead of rejecting them as false because they contradict some deeply held core belief.

By communicating with your subconscious through muscle testing, I can identify which new messages are acceptable to your subconscious and which ones are being rejected.

In the same way, I can identify emotional blocks to accepting the new belief.

Then using other techniques I can remove whatever is blocking the new belief.

Of course, there are no "quick fixes."

Several layers may have to be addressed to finally make it possible for a new, positive belief to be planted, nourished, and take root.


Another approach is to place a new positive message everywhere in all aspects of your being. If you decide to use this method, do only 1 positive message at a time.

In a self-guided meditation, you can place it in all your chakras, organs, glands, joints, bones, muscles, and so on.

Ask your I Am Presence to assist you.
As you focus on each location in your bodies, say the positive message 3 times as you hold the intention of placing it in that spot.
You can even do this at the cellular and DNA levels, so use your imagination and go as deeply as you are guided to go.
After you have completed this process, place the affirmation in various locations around your home so your subconscious sees and reads it frequently.
A favorite spot for me is the bathroom wall, as positive affirmations make great reading material. The more you read it, the more your subconscious is reminded of the new message.

The main limitation with this approach is that it doesn't remove the negative message. It simply places the new one everywhere inside you.

Furthermore, this approach takes longer to embed a new positive belief than the one first described.

Still, once you've used it on a particular message, you may find that a positive affirmation you were having trouble embedding has actually begun to take hold.


Transformation IS possible.

If you feel stuck, you can be helped to get unstuck.

If you feel like giving up, you can be helped to find the courage and strength to continue on your path.

If you feel overwhelmed, you can be helped to restore your balance so you can take the next steps towards your goals.

If you choose to get rid of negative self-talk, you can be helped to do it!

Written by Nedda Wittels
Article Source:

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