Wednesday 12 July 2017

Hydrate Your Skin From the Inside Out

We are all trying to find ways to keep our skin looking younger, more supple, and glowing. You can try chemicals, injections, and crazy expensive creams, but a before running out to the doctor's office or spa and spending your month's rent trying to obtain a youthful glowing look, first check your fridge.

Moisturized skin starts from the inside out. Hydrated skin prevents visible signs of aging, it decreases skin dryness, large pores, and fine line/wrinkles. No matter how much you spend on your face cream, your skin will still be parched if your insides are as dry as the Sahara desert. Everyone knows you can drink water, but did you know you can also eat your water? That's right. Food also contains water and when you eat them you are eating water. Here is a list of 5 super hydrating foods that contain at least 90% water by weight.

Water content: 96.7%

The cucumber has the highest water content out of any solid food. Add this summer food to a salad, scoop your hummus with it, or just slice it and season with salt and pepper for an easy and thirst quenching snack.

Iceberg lettuce
Water content: 95.6%

Although it's sometimes shamed for it low nutritional value and passed over for your darker greens such as spinach and kale, iceberg lettuce has the highest water content out of it's other leafy friends. Use this lettuce as a great replacement for sandwich bread and hot dog buns. You'll not only be cutting carbs you'll also be quenching your skin's thirst.

Water content: 95.4%

With only 6 calories per stalk celery is a great snack for those watching their weight. It's filled with not only water but also fiber. After eating a just few stalks you'll be feeling fuller and more hydrated.

Water content: 95.3%

These pretty roots not only provide water they also give you antioxidants. Add these little guys to your diet for some color, flavor, and nutrition.

Water content: 94.5%

Tomatoes are a staple in the summer time. Filled with vitamin C and water these guys keep you healthy and hydrated. Add some to your summer salad or just bite into one and you'll have a happy, healthy, and hydrated summer.

Give these water filled foods a try and see your skin become more supple, smooth, and nourished. As the saying goes "You are what you eat".

Written by Caitlin Shaney

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