Sunday 21 May 2017

How Our Thoughts Have The Power to Make Us Incredibly Sick Or Positively Healthy

When we really love ourselves everything in our life works. When we come from a place of love, positivity and gratitude we can live much more abundant and vibrant lives. Every thought we think is creating our future and ultimately affecting our health.

Make The Connection
We first need to understand that the body and mind are connected as one unit. We are a complete system. Our thoughts really do have an impact on our physical health. Think about it, have you ever been so angry at something or someone that you felt your heart rate increase or your fists clench or your stomach turn to knots? Or, have you ever been so scared, nervous or upset that you couldn't stop shaking or you felt like you wanted to puke? I bet you have. These are prime examples of a simple thought or emotion creating a physical symptom or sensation in the body. We have thousands of receptors in our bodies that are specific to one peptide or protein. When we have any kind of emotion such as guilt, sadness, happiness, excitement or nervousness they each release their own neuropeptide. If our thoughts and emotions are mainly negative we are basically flooding and priming our cells to receive more of those specific peptides. This in turn lessens the number of receptors for positive-thought peptides which in the long-run moves us toward negativity.

Stress And Our Health
We know stress is a killer, but what is stress? Sometimes it's physical stress, yes, but oftentimes the stress is created in our minds and how we perceive the world. If we live in anger and stress all the time this is negatively impacting our cells. The cells in our bodies regenerate from gene blueprints (epigenetics), so we've learned that negative thoughts and emotions can affect the strands of our DNA to constrict and entangle. We also know that positive, happy and loving thoughts and emotions cause our DNA strands to relax and lengthen. In simple terms, do you want your cells to regenerate on happy thoughts or negative thoughts? Disease and other illnesses will results when errors are made in cell regeneration.

Catch Yourself Saying These Words
As a Homeopath I've studied in depth the words people use to describe situations, feelings and symptoms. It was in my studies at school where I really started to pay attention to what people say and how they say it. Here are some examples of negative things I hear people say:

• My... is KILLING me!
• I HATE when...
• Ew, I'm so ugly!
• Ugh, I'm in a hurry what's taking so long? (said with rage)
• Wow, I'm such an idiot

There are more phrases and gossip-y expressions that are negative but I don't want to get too derogatory here. The two that we really should catch ourselves saying are "(insert something bothersome) is killing me!", and "I hate... ". The words killing and hate are both powerful words. There really is nothing good about either of those words. Road rage is another example, people who experience this type of anger are more likely to have heart attacks, that's just how powerful emotions and words can be on the body. Catch yourself the next time you say any of those words and rephrase it quickly.

How To Be Positively Healthy
In order to heal our bodies we must shift our mindset and our view of the world. We need to understand that not everyone is "out to get us" and not everyone is "trying to hurt or attack us". Come from a place of love in everything that you do even if the other person is angry. It's very difficult for another person to continue to be mad at you if you remain calm and kind. Start realizing that everyone else is living in their own view of the world too. So while someone might freak out in a particular situation don't take it personally, they are most likely perceiving that situation as much more of a threat to them than it is in reality or to you. Always do your best to be kind and loving to strangers, friends and family. Seek out the positive in the situation and remain optimistic even if the situation seems grim. Start saying phrases like:

• I love...
• Please
• Thank you
• It's okay
• I forgive you/myself
• I am grateful for...
• I love and accept myself
• I am beautiful
• I am open to new opportunities
• I am worthy
• I deserve to be healthy and happy

See the difference here from the negative examples? It is much easier to be negative when that becomes your normal but work on positive words and emotions. It takes time but you will feel so much better and your body will respond nicely. You will have less stress in your body so you'll be able to:

• sleep better
• digest easier
• feel calmer
• eliminate heartburn
• have more energy
• lower blood pressure

and more!

It may be difficult to believe that thoughts and emotions play a role in our health but the science and proof is there. Do your best to catch yourself in your words and always come from a place of love and forgiveness, your body will be happy because of it.

Written by Jessica Ann

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