Saturday 22 April 2017

Saturday Sport: 3 Tips For Becoming An Elite Tennis Player

If you play competitive tennis and have been playing it for a while, then you will want to read this article very slowly.

Also, read this article many times in the future.

Let me share my coaching story with you guys.

I have been studying Elite Players for years, trying to discover how they got to the top mentally in competition.

I have found out that they all have 3 things in common with each other.

And I'm going to share those 3 things with you here today, so please take some notes and refer back to them later.

The 3 things are.

Commitment To Excellence

The top players train their mind, bodies and spirit everyday.

Through this daily training, they are able to strengthen all 3 at the same time!!

The key factor being.

How they train.

They train at a high level, even when they aren't feeling good, and this is the sign of an elite player, who is determined to be the best they can be.

How about you?

Do you train and give your all in practice everyday?

Clearly Define Goals.

Your tennis goals need to be written down on paper and posted up for you to see and picture daily to yourself.

You also need to keep writing them down and rewriting them in present tense.

This create the clarity that you need when working on your goals.


How often do you write down your tennis goals?

Play To Win.

The top tennis players play to win all the time.

They never even enter a tennis match, until they have won that match in their minds first!!

This allows them to pre-program themselves for victory on the court.

Because they have already won the match mentally, they are more mentally stronger under pressure.

"Elite players expect and demand the very best from themselves, in every match that they play in and it doesn't matter who their opponent is across the net".

The powerful thing about this mindset in competition is,

You can lose a match and still walk off the court, feeling like a winner and that is a powerful feeling to have after a lost!!

Those are 3 common traits that all elite tennis players have.

So start staying congruent with them and you will soon have them too!!

Develop a great attitude as you train daily.

Please remember this one thing here.

Your attitude is your key to success!!

Written by Thomas Jay Daniels
Article Source:

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