Friday 21 April 2017

Fun Friday: Follow the Fun

I watched my girlfriend spin around on the dance floor-head back, huge smile and a vitality she had not experienced in years. It was 1 o'clock in the morning, and we had decided, at the last minute, to hit the club instead of coming home after our typical girl's night out that usually ended by 10 p.m. Irresponsible? You may think so, but guess who was having the most fun that night? I think you know.

My life mantra is: follow the fun. I use it to guide my next action steps, where I go on vacation, what to eat, who I hang out with. But, let me be clear. Fun does not mean a non-stop party where you're out clubbing it every night. It's not all yee-haw! Sometimes fun is a job well done or hanging out with your kids. With the right perspective, almost anything can be fun. Fun is what you decide it to be.

Volunteering at the animal shelter or planting a garden can be entertaining. Last year, I ran two marathons, not because I love running, but I wanted to experience the excitement and fun of the event itself. Fun can be a night filled with amazing sex with someone you love or a night alone loving yourself. A fun filled life is filled with experiences that captivate and entertain you.

What about fun in your work or business?. I have found that many home-based business owners complain about how lonely they are, how hard they're working and how their daily lives lack fun. I, on the other hand, work really hard, but if you were to eavesdrop and see me in my work day, you'd probably think I was on vacation versus working. There's usually lots of laughter, music playing, dance breaks, collaboration with cool people and time to enjoy delicious meals and a game of tennis or yoga class. My business plan is pleasure based. My team knows that if it's not fun, we don't do it.

When I coach my clients, I like to inquire what would be the most fun next step, because I know that a joyful step will bring the most rewards-profits, romance and health.

My mastermind events have fun as the backbone of the experience. No stuffy boardrooms and dull meals. No 3-ring binders with checklist. Not my style. But fun? That I've got covered. Massages, private chefs, dinners along the French Riviera, tarot card readings and amazing, fun women full of exciting conversation and ideas. All this while growing our businesses. Not surprisingly, when we leave our time together, we feel energized, full of ideas and next action steps that will lead to more fun, and therefore more abundance, success and adventure.

Fun gets results. Who would you rather learn from: a dull, lifeless woman or a woman who is living full out?

If fun is the way to live a impactful, adventurous and passionate life, why do so many women lack it? It comes down to three needs that you must be willing to let go to embrace a fun lifestyle:

1. The need to please

The only person you need to please is yourself. Selfish? Not. At. All. Here's why: fun feels good, and when you focus on pleasing yourself, you'll naturally be a better mom, wife, lover or friend. A woman having fun is a delight to be around. Just to be sure, I asked my daughter about this one, and she agreed. "You're fun, Mom," was her response. I'll take that! Much better than "Mom, you know how to clean." No. Thank. You.

2. Fear of what others will think

I'll be honest. Some people are jealous of those who are having too much fun (as if there's such a thing) in their lives. Know what I say to that? Not your business. Be an example of what's possible for them. People who are making an impact in the world are not trying to tip toe around their desires. They are walking straight into them, having the time of their lives.

3. Insecurity

I have seen women pass up fun, amazing opportunities because they're afraid of how they'd look. One client passed up a cruise because she didn't want to wear a bathing suit in front of others.

My friend, Sean Stephenson, gave an inspirational speech this past year when he encouraged a cruise ship full of entrepreneurs at Summit Series to not let our insecurities keep us from having a blast. His basic message: stop looking around and comparing and have a blast. Sean is also a three foot tall man who rocked the dance floor. He definitely follows the fun, and his passion for life is contagious.

Most people are following things that are supposed to lead to a prosperous and great life, but it's often leading to too many hours at the office, lack of sleep, stress and exhaustion. Your boss (which may be you) is probably not encouraging you to add more pleasure and fun into your day. That's why it's up to you to create more fun in your life. Don't wait for permission to live the life you desire. Begin to create it now. Follow the fun. I promise it will lead to an amazing adventure that will have you telling beautiful, wild stories to your grand kids one day.

Written by Tonya Leigh
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